Generating models to handle new visual tasks requires additional datasets, which take considerable effort to create. We propose a method of domain adaptation for merging multiple models with less effort than creating an additional dataset. This method merges pre-trained models in different domains using glue layers and a generative model, which feeds latent features to the glue layers to train them without an additional dataset. We also propose a generative model that is created by distilling knowledge from pre-trained models. This enables the dataset to be reused to create latent features for training the glue layers. We apply this method to object detection in a low-light situation. The YOLO- in-the-Dark model comprises two models, Learning-to-See-in-the-Dark model and YOLO. We present the proposed method and report the result of domain adaptation to detect objects from RAW short-exposure low-light images. The YOLO-in-the-Dark model uses fewer computing resources than the naive approach.